52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 3


When you are prepared for a disaster, it is just like being prepared for any other life event that you would prepare for. It just makes sense.

8 lbs of salt

25 lbs pasta

1 gallon of cooking oil

$2 per person

3 gallons of water

Fruit drink crystals

Family Preparations could include making sure your house number is large and visible for Emergency Responders to see easily.

Make sure all family members know their address and directions. It is vital they know this.

Spiritual Preparedness: Consider one area of life where you can increase your faith.

Educational Preparedness: Statistics show that 1 in 5 adults cannot read fluently. Creating a study space in your home will actually help you remember better the things that you read and study. Create your study space, wherever it makes the most sense, and equip it with the things you need to facilitate learning books, pencils, paper, etc. Maybe reading in a window seat helps you remember more, or sitting in a porch swing. Do you need total silence? Or do you prefer a noisy center? Music? learning and studying can happen anywhere, but be creative to what you have available, and what works best for you.

Physical Preparedness: One of the very best things that you can do for yourself, is to get healthy. Most of us could stand to lose a few pounds, and in so doing we would be much healthier. Soon spring will be upon us and walking is free! It is good for the body and the soul. It is GREAT for the heart both physically and emotionally. The Walking Site is a great place to get info on walking. Go for a walk, and make it a goal to walk at least three times a week if you can. You will be amazed at how much healthier you will feel in no time at all. Our Father in Heaven needs us all to be as healthy as we can, in all ways, to be His hands on Earth.

Emotional Preparedness: Stress… we all feel it. We all have it. It affects all of us at some point. Here is a couple of great sites that have excellent information that we can all use.

Mental Health And Wellness Canada Government

Wellness Together

Mental Health – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Happy and Healthy Prepping

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