How Prepared Is Your Family?


Level 2 Certification

Let’s get you moving on in your preparedness efforts! When you ask yourself, “how prepared is my family?” what do you think? Does it make you cringe? Do you feel comfortable with your prepping efforts? Do you feel anxiety because you know you are ready to do more?

Well, if you are ready to do more, and you have completed all of the steps for the Level 1 – listed and posted here – then let’s get you moving forward!

Level 2 Certification (should be level 1 Certified)

  • Home owner’s insurance with fire coverage
  • Auto insurance for any vehicles
  • Life insurance policy for primary providers

Create a Family Estate Overview

  • Family member information: names, blood types, DOB’s, social insurance numbers, medical information (allergies, prescriptions, pre-existing conditions, etc)
  • Work information for those employed
  • Emergency contact #’s (family, neighbors, family doctor, other doctors, insurance agent, attorney)
  • Quick reference insurance information (all insurances): policy numbers for each, basic coverage amounts, contact numbers
  • Make a video of your house, and all major assets is extremely valuable for insurance claims

Photocopies / digital backups of all your important documents (all insurance policies, titles, wills, securities, home appraisal, inventory, social identification numbers, front pages of passports, etc.) Include a copy of these important documents with your Family Estate Overview. You may consider putting a copy of your estate overview with copies of your important documents in a water proof bag inside your 72 hour kits, or with an out of area trustworthy adult or both.

Food storage (6 months of food and toiletries, two weeks of water) – make use of the charts on Level 1, doubling them, to get a six month supply instead of three, but also keeping in mind the longer term storage items – perhaps using the 52 week program listed for Level 3. Implement them whichever way works best for your family.

Emergency cash fund $100 per person / $200 minimum per family

Certification Level 2 Checklist

Item CompletedDate CompletedCheck
One family member CPR certified  
Home Owner’s Insurance  
Car Insurance  
Life Insurance or provisions  
Create a Family Estate Plan according to list  
Digital backups of all important documents  
6 months food storage  
6 months toiletries  
2 weeks water  
Emergency Cash Fund minimum $200 in small bills  

Printable checklist above – click here

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