52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 6


“The revelation to produce and store food may be as essential to our temporal welfare today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah.

Let us be in a position so we are able to not only feed ourselves through the home production and storage, but others as well.”

Ezra Taft Benson

Sleep When The Wind Blows

A farmer needed an extra hand to help on his farm. One young man came to interview for the job. “What are your qualifications?” the farmer asked. “I can sleep when the wind blows,” the young man said. This simple reply confused the farmer, but he was desperate for help and the young man was hired.

The young man was a diligent worker through the harvest season, but the farmer still questioned his answer.

Autumn ended and the first cold storm of winter came late one night. The farmer panicked as the winds began to blow. Calling the young man for help, the farmer grabbed his coat and pulled heavy boots on his feet. He was disappointed to find the young man asleep in bed at a time like this. Grudgingly he ventured out alone planning to shuffle all of the animals in the barn and then fix that last hole in the roof. He mumbled about the young man sleeping and was sure all the farm equipment was left standing in the field, collecting rust from the snow.

However, when the farmer reached the barn all the animals were tucked safely inside. In fact, clean hay had already been set out for the new day. Not a single hole could be found in the roof, and the tractor was parked perfectly in the shed.

“Who could have done it?” the farmer wondered. And then, he realized what the young man’s answer meant, “I can sleep when the wind blows.”

By preparing ourselves and our families for any emergencies that may happen, we will have the confidence to handle the unexpected. We will be able to sleep when the wind blows outside our homes.

Each family needs to be prepared to sustain themselves for a period of at least 72 hours, in the event of a physical disaster. It may be at least that long before help can arrive and resources will again be available. Stores may not be opened, or destroyed, and public services as well as utilities, may be interrupted or simply not available after a disaster. We will be dependent on ourselves to care for our physical needs and the protection of individuals and property immediately following a disaster.

Here are some helpful hints for your 72 hour kits:

  • have it in a portable container close to an exit of your home
  • don’t overload you kit, you may have to carry it for some distance
  • each family member should have their own kit with food, clothing, and water
  • distribute the heavy items between the kits
  • it should contain a basic first aid kit, and manual

Home Storage

Our home storage should include a variety of things.

Things like:

  • a 3 month supply of food that will make regular meals for your family
  • a minimum one year supply of life sustaining foods. 5 basic groups include wheat and grains, legumes, sugars, oil and powder milk
  • toiletries such as, toilet paper, soaps, personal hygiene
  • medical supplies such as first aid kits, medications, etc
  • pet supplies
  • light sources
  • alternate cooking sources
  • and so much more we will cover so follow along!

Family night:

Have a family night to discuss the possible emergency situations that could happen in your area. Talk about some of the things happening in the world today and how they affect you. For your treat make something from scratch using only what you have on your shelves without going to the store for anything.

Happy and Healthy Prepping!


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