52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 11


“With regard to grain, I will say, if you do not lay it up and keep it, you will be sorry in a day to come; for you will see hard times, trying times, plagues,

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 10


You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make. Gordon B Hinckley 10 Food Storage Staples Rice is

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 9


The best food storage … is in sealed cans and bottles in the homes of our people. What a gratifying thing it is to see cans of wheat and rice and beans under the beds

Preparedness Isn’t Just For Emergencies


Yes! Being prepared will help you get through life’s emergencies, and most often we talk about it in this way. Be prepared for emergencies, disasters, and challenges of life. In reality, “Preparedness” needs to become

Lights Out!


“Bracing for a big power grid attack: ‘One is too many’.” USA Today states, “About once every four days, part of the nation’s power grid – a system whose failure could leave millions in the

10 Core Areas of Preparedness


In all of my studies through the years, I have come across TEN core areas of preparedness, that we should be prepared in. Some give different numbers, some have different ideas, but the reality is,

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 8


It is vital that you build a 3 month supply of foods and home living stuffs, to create normalcy in event of a disaster, regardless if it were a natural or man-made one. “Get a

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 7


We want you to be ready with a personal storehouse filled with at least a year’s supply. You don’t argue why it cannot be done; you just plan to organize and get it done. Spencer

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 6


“The revelation to produce and store food may be as essential to our temporal welfare today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah. Let us be in a position