52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 5


It isn’t until we pass through the natural disaster, or man-made disaster, it is then we realize how prepared, or lack thereof, we are. What can I do with my wheat? People often ask me

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 4


Disaster Preparedness Leaders in every city, state, province, country work closely with local churches and governments, to help their people be safe when the need arises. The choice to participate is our own. Unfortunately, the

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 3


When you are prepared for a disaster, it is just like being prepared for any other life event that you would prepare for. It just makes sense. 8 lbs of salt 25 lbs pasta 1

Economic Crash And The World We Live In


What will you do in an economic crash? Have you ever thought of what you would do if tomorrow, out of the blue, the dollar value dropped right out and the whole economy came crashing

What would it take to maintain normalcy?


Preparedness Chit Chats What would it take to maintain normalcy? In all the prepping you do, please ask yourself this question: What would it take to maintain normalcy in your day to day life, if

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 2


Preparedness, when properly pursued, is a way of life, not a sudden, spectacular program. Spencer W. Kimball Family Preparation: By your nightstand place a pair of gloves, flashlight and shoes in case of an emergency