52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 43


Being prepared means you know what to do, where to go and you have supplies to properly respond to emergencies and disasters. By taking simply steps towards becoming more prepared, you can better navigate disruptions

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 42


We want you to be ready with your personal storehouses filled with at least a year’s supply. You don’t argue why it cannot be done; you just plan to organize and get it done. Spencer

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 41


Our emphasis on this subject is not grounds for crisis thinking or panic. Quite the contrary, personal and family preparedness should be a way of provident living, an orderly approach to using the resources, gifts,

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 40


Let us be in a position so we are able to not only feed ourselves through home production and storage, but others as well. Ezra Taft Benson Some of my Favorite Food Storage Mixes Waffle

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 39


With regard to grain, I will say, if you do not lay it up and keep it, you will be sorry in a day to come; for you will see hard times, trying times, plagues,

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 38


From the standpoint of food production, storage, handling, and the Lord’s counsel, wheat should have high priority. Water, of course, is essential. Other basics could include honey or sugar, legumes, milk products or substitutes, and

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 37


Can food storage serve as a protective shield? Have you considered the possibility that the very act of having your food storage on hand actually might be serving as a protective shield, causing the Lord

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 36


Preparedness: readiness; organized; arrange by systematic planning and united effort. If you prepare yourself at every point as well as you can … you will be able to grasp opportunity for broader experience when it

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 35


One of life’s most painful moments comes when we must admit that we didn’t do our homework, that we are not prepared. Merlin Olsen Emergency Car Kits: Make sure you have a small first aid

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 34


As technology sweeps through every facet of our lives, changes are occurring so rapidly that it can be difficult for us to keep our lives in balance. To maintain some semblance of stability in our