52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 32


The counsel to have a year’s supply of basic food, clothing, and commodities was given fifty (longer now) years ago and has been repeated many times since. Every father and mother are the family’s store

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 31


When we speak of personal and family preparedness, we should speak of foreseen, anticipated, almost expected needs which can be met through wise preparation. Even true emergencies can be modified by good planning. H. Burke

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 30


How on the face of the earth could a man enjoy his religion when he had been told by the Lord how to prepare for a day of famine, when instead of doing so he

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 29


I stand before the Church this day and raise the warning voice. It is a prophetic voice, for I shall say only what the apostles and prophets have spoken concerning our day … It is

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 28


Three-Month Supply: Build a small supply of food that is part of your normal, daily diet. These items should be rotated regularly to avoid spoilage. www.providentliving.org Family Gear Box: Add in several candles, light sticks,

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 27


In the world of preparedness, people are waking up to see that things are changing at a rapid pace. There are so many things to be watching for and be aware of. The world is

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 26


Without water, life would cease to exist. Yet today, nearly one billion or more people, approximately 1 in 8, lack access to clean water. More than twice that many don’t have access to a toilet.

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 25


The greatest events that have been spoken of by all the Holy Prophets will come along so naturally as the consequences of certain causes, that unless our eyes are enlightened by the Spirit of God,

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 24


In short, we are to learn the will of the Lord and do it. We are to follow the model of Jesus Christ and be like Him … The essential question of lie should be

52 Weeks To Preparedness – Week 23


What can I do? My heart goes out to those who are constantly being bombarded by devastation and natural disasters. All I keep thinking is what can be done? What can we learn? What does